This Bag is made from quality waterproof to keep your gear dry and safe. Travel Waterproof Swimming Bag is a must-have for camping, fishing, festivals, beaches, hiking, canoeing, backpacking, etc. Keep your items inside perfect and dry. It can be used in all seasons.

- Can store many things and keep them dry, such as clothing, maps, books, cameras, electrical equipment, and other items.
- Protect your items from dust, water, snow, rain, and all kinds of damage. Just enjoy the outdoor life freely.
- While skiing, at sea, etc. You will want to have it with you!
- This water bag is very lightweight and compact, making it an essential dry bag for all your travel plans. Easy to fold and pack tight in any sized luggage!

Material: PVC.
Waterproof rating: IPX6
Package Included:
Please see the images for reference.